Tuesday, December 14, 2010

NEW: Mellow Wolf Journal

Early Christian ichthys sign carved into marbl...Early Christian signs
Following is an excerpt
from the first issue of the new publication,
Mellow Wolf Journal.

Century upon century, Christianity has been defined by some gentile ideas that have dominated it.  These ideas were built from early limited thoughts that God had finished with the lesson of showing Humanity that no person or nation could be obedient and righteous enough to live forever.   The thought was, that because this lesson was finished with the death of the Messiah, God no longer had a need to present Himself as a national God.

As a result of this kind of limited thinking Christianity developed as a system of religion that focused on the idea of the salvation of the individual apart, as opposed to salvation of Humanity as a corporate entity.  A theory developed that a new form of Humanity would be constructed out of the assembly of the redeemed individuals, those individuals who were saved by grace from Humanities apparently incorrigible nature as a whole.  Instead of sounding like good news to Israel and therefore to Humanity as the one entity that God created, this theology began to sound like good news only for those who were its adherents.  As such, it started to have the same ring as any other religion, all of which sounded like good news for those who were its representatives.

The time will come when Christianity is redefined entirely, not just reformed.  The time will come when Christianity matures and realizes that it was not wise to become a set institution before it was able to fully understand the good news about the Messiah of Israel.  The time will come when Christianity is defined by complete repentance from its former theology that lost sight of the salvation of everything that makes Humanity one entity.

Files from FilesAnywhere

Gray wolf (Canis lupus).The tribe of Benjamin is like a wolf and will lie down with the Lamb of the tribe of Judah
Download the first issue of Mellow Wolf Journal from:

Files from FilesAnywhere

Monday, December 13, 2010

Jerusalem and Bolivia

In a series of files entitled, Jerusalem and Bolivia, I am setting out to write a comprehensive overview of how the Great Assignment will be fulfilled through the Restorative Justice of God based on the Apocalyptic Justification of Israel, and therefore of Adam, that has been created by Yehoshua the Messiah of Eternal Torah Israel.

To read more of my Jerusalem and Bolivia files start with this link.
